• About us

    Embark on a journey rich with emotions, adventures, and discoveries.

    It won't just be a vacation, it will be a life-changing experience that will forever alter the way you see the world and yourself.

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    "Our story is one of unbridled passion, unwavering commitment, and a deep love for Africa that has profoundly transformed our lives. For over 30 years, we have explored the wonders of the world, but it was the enchanting African continent, particularly South Africa, that stole our hearts and became our cherished second home.

    Our first journey to Africa in 2002 was nothing short of magical, it was love at first sight.

    South Africa captivated us with its breathtaking landscapes, incredible wildlife, and vibrant culture, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

    This profound love inspired us to invest in the country, purchasing two self-catering lodges and launching a travel organization specializing in safaris in the stunning Kruger area. This magnificent region has truly become our sanctuary, our second home

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    In 2006, our deep love for Africa guided us to volunteer at an animal rehabilitation center in Zimbabwe. This life-changing experience allowed us to connect with the very soul of nature and embrace the mission of safeguarding endangered species.

    Moreover, our commitment to making a difference extends beyond wildlife. We actively participate in a local volunteer project that supports children in difficulty and disadvantaged families. We truly believe in the power of positive change and the magic of solidarity.

    We would be honored to share this heartfelt initiative with you

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    We offer journeys that transcend the ordinary vacation. Our safaris are designed to envelop you in the wild beauty and rich traditions of Africa, allowing you to truly experience and live 'my Africa.

    Each trip is a unique opportunity to stir your soul, discover new facets of yourself, and return home enriched and transformed

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    Our Values

    Passion and Experience:

    Our extensive experience and deep love for Africa bring authenticity to every journey we offer.

    Cultural Immersion:

    Each trip is designed to provide you with a deeply emotional and cultural experience.

    Deep Connection:

    Our bond with South Africa and our investment in the country reflect our commitment and profound knowledge of the region.

    Social Commitment:

    Our volunteer initiatives demonstrate our dedication to making a difference in local communities and protecting wildlife.

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    Our Mission

    We are deeply in love with South Africa and wish for you to fall in love with this beautiful country too.

    Our goal is to offer authentic travel experiences that allow you to discover the beauty and magic of South Africa, transforming every trip into an unforgettable adventure.